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Welcome to Lake Como


Our elected officials and borough administration are here to help serve and assist all residents of Lake Como with their immediate concerns. You will find useful information on our web site. If you are unable to find what you need please contact the Borough Offices at (732) 681-3232.

As always, we appreciate any suggestions or comments for either improvement to the website or for any other matter.


If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website or need translation services, please contact Andrew Huisman at


Public Notices   News Around Town

Dog Licenses Due by January 31st

click here for application




In anticipation of winter weather, please reference the Borough's

No Parking - Snow Emergencies Ordinance here.







Water Quality Report

The 2024 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report is now available.

Please click HERE for more information.




As per Borough Ordinance, construction on the weekends

may not begin prior to 9:00am. 

Violation of this ordinance will result in fines. 






Community Policing Belmar/Lake Como

The Borough of Belmar Police Department Community Policing Program has launched a new program that will include a more active role for our residents. We anticipate that this new platform will create more community involvement and enhance police officer relations,. By working together, we will address the quality of life issues and uphold order maintenance within our neighborhood.  

Residents will still go directly to the police department for emergencies or situations that require IMMEDIATE ATTENTION.  

Please click HERE for more information



Sump Pump Notice

As a reminder, it is ILLEGAL to have a sump pump connected to the Borough’s sewer system. Excess water flow through the sewers increases water bill rates for all residents and businesses. Recent rainfall events have highlighted this issue as water on certain streets was caused by sump pumps illegally connected to the sewer lines. As a result, the Borough will be increasing enforcement efforts. For more information please contact the Public Works department who can advise on how to ensure your sump pump is up to code. There is a grace period to make the necessary corrections before fines will be issued so please take this opportunity to ensure your property is compliant.


Reporting an outage on Facebook...Now that’s a first. 

JCP&L - How to Reach Us When You Experience a Power Outage

At JCP&L they're providing more ways for our customers to report outages and check the progress of our efforts to restore service. We’re the first electric utility in New Jersey to offer outage reporting on our Facebook page. 

Now JCP&L customers have four easy options: 

  • Visit and click the “Report an Outage” tab

  • Sign up for text messaging with us and text “OUT” from your mobile phone

  • Visit our 24/7 Power Center on using a smartphone, tablet or laptop

  • Call 1-888-LIGHTSS to speak with a representative, to learn more visit





The information contained on the Lake Como website (the “Website”) is for general information purposes only.  Lake Como assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents on the Website.


In no event shall Lake Como be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website or its contents.  Lake Como reserves the right to make additions, deletions or modifications to the contents on the Website at any time without prior notice.  Lake Como does not warrant that the website is free of viruses or other harmful components.








Coffee with the Mayor

February 15th 

9:00am - 10:00am

click here for a printable pick up schedule 



Online Tax & Water/Sewer Payments Now Available

Click on Tax & Water/Sewer Payments Tab on the left

Click here for the form for Direct Withdrawl for Taxes & Water Sewer


Check Out Recycle Coach for Garbage and Recycling Information, Pickup Schedules & More!




Tax Assessments: How to file a tax appeal









Wednesday December 23, 2020

From the Belmar/Lake Como Office of Emergency Management

Severe weather  


High winds forecasted for tomorrow through the overnight hours: From JCP&L


This is a Code Red Message:


The Belmar and Lake Como Offices of Emergency Management are anticipating and preparing for winds capable of causing damage and power outages on December 24, and December 25, 2020.


Residents are reminded to report all power outages by calling the JCP&L contact center at 1-888-544-4877 or by utilizing the JCP&L website or text messaging options.  Please treat all downed wires as if they are live and report them immediately.  


The timing of the event poses additional challenges as many homes and lawns are decorated for the holiday season.  The high winds could dislodge some of these items, especially inflatable style decorations which could become airborne and become entangled in electrical lines and equipment, adding to the possibility of outages.


Please dial 911 in an emergency or contact the Belmar Police Department at 732-681-1700 for non-emergency calls.

Please take the necessary safety precautions.


Thank you and have a healthy, happy, and safe holiday.


Upcoming Events

Garbage Pick Up

Cupid's Chase 5k

Garbage & Bulk Pick Up

Planning Board Meeting
7:00 PM

Recycling Pick Up

Garbage Pick Up

Coffee with the Mayor
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Garbage & Bulk Pick Up

Mayor & Council Meeting
7:30 PM

Recycling Pick Up

Your elected officials and borough administration are here to help serve and assist all residents of Lake Como with their immediate concerns. You will find useful information on our web site. If you are unable to find what you need please contact the Borough Offices at (732) 681-3232.

©2016 Borough of Lake Como, NJ
Alll Rights Reserved

Browse the Lake Como Website

Lake Como, NJ
Borough of Lake Como
1740 Main Street
Lake Como, NJ 07719
(physical address & for "overnight" mailing)


