Building & Code Dept
Construction, Zoning & Code Enforcement Departments
As of April 2024:
All New Structures or Additions with a building footprint of 400 square feet or greater shall submit 2 copies of a Grading & Drainage Plan prepared and sealed by a NJ licensed Engineer and a $500 Escrow Fee. The plans will be reviewed and inspections conducted by the Borough Engineer.
Samuel Avakian, P.E., P.L.S., P.P.
Leon S. Avakian Inc.
Consulting Engineers
788 Wayside Road, Neptune, NJ 07753
(732) 922-9229
As per Borough Ordinance, construction on the weekends
may not begin prior to 9:00am.
Violation of this ordinance will result in fines.
The Construction Department exists to maximize your safety
and protect your property and that of your neighbors.
The office is open from 9am to 4pm...Monday through Friday.
Our office is located in Lake Como Borough Hall.
1740 Main Street, Lake Como, NJ 07719
Code Officials/Inspectors:
John Rowe Construction Official & Zoning Officer Charles "Chuck" Gimbel Building Subcode Official/Inspector Jean Verrier Electrical Subcode Official/Inspector Ted Bianchi Plumbing & Fire Subcode Official/Inspector
email: jrowe@lakecomonj.org
Zoning Department John Rowe Zoning Officer
Planning Board Secretary vgraham@lakecomonj.org Zoning Officer's Hours: Tuesday & Thursday Mornings from 10:00am to 12:30pm
A Zoning Official has the responsibility to enforce local ordinances in the Borough.
Zoning approvals would be required for many projects. See list below. If you are in doubt as to whether or not you need a zoning permit, please contact the Zoning Department at 732-681-3232 ext "0".
Frank Cinelli - Code Enforcement Office
Dawn Dayton - Code Enforcement Assistant
Aside from enforcing the Borough's Property Maintenance Code, The Inspector performs CI inspections Tuesday mornings from 8am to 10am.
NOTE: A Certificate of Inspection (CI) is required for all property Sales & Rentals in the Borough of Lake Como. This includes Residential as well as Commercial properties.